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Professional practices

Legal and Ethical consideration


Looking into both considerations, this means within my work it needs to remain within the balance of the law and to keep up a reputation within my idea for the media. With this, I need to look into if including violence such as domestic relationship issues and abuse is allowed in digital media. This would be considered as more ethical due to it symbolizing and bringing light to issues that some relationships people have behind closed doors.


Looking into the parliament website, it is frowned upon for video games to provide neglect and abuse within media for "entertainment". With my idea however, it isn't within the idea of making it fun or to be enjoyable rather showing the elements of a domestic relationship for others who have also encountered physical and emotional abuse in their life. Legally it isn't right as it is a crime, but ethically it is fine to help others dealing with their own mental troubles.


Health and safety consideration


There are quite a few safety and health considerations that need to be looked at and cared about throughout this whole project these things can be like your physical and mental health, but also the safety of where all of your work is stored.


Eye straining from the monitor - The issues with needing to sit at a computer for lengthy periods at a time can hurt your eyes and lead to sight issues such as pain. This is due to the lights and filters within the monitor screen causing eye fatigue. To help counter act this, you can implement a system where you take regular breaks away from the screen to regulate your eyes with so it will lessen the chances on strain and help you feel less fatigued doing your work.

Back pain and shoulder issues- Again sitting at the computer can not only cause eye issues but also back problems. Physical issues can also cause issues with the performance of your work as well which will make you focus less on your work and more on the pain. To tackle this, you can take breaks every 20 minutes like with the eye fatigue. Or for a more longer lasting effect, it would be best to buy a better chair suitable to be sat at for lengthy hours to tackle this.

Stress and mental health issues- sitting at a desk for long periods will naturally leave your mind empty and drained after it, especially if you would be stressing about the time or amount you have to do. This then can cause low mood and even some cases of depression or anxiety by the work load. This can be helped by having targets and scheduling, knowing exactly what you have done, it is also helpful to create breaks for yourself to not drain yourself as well.

File saving issues- A lot to be considered with files and operations used online is its saving mechanic. Apps can crash or sometimes cant even save in general even after you remember saving to your hard drive. This then can lead to hours and paragraphs of work lost needing to restart it. To stop this issue from happening, you can use drives to upload and save such as one draw and the cloud, leaving all of your work safe and not lost.


Targets - seen on very first blog


Scheduling - end date 10th March

AC1- all finished before Christmas break

AC2- still on tablet need to get it off and annotate (be done by this month Feb)

AC3- same as AC2

AC4- complete finished at the end of January

AC5- for deadline, done idle animation and background

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